Are You Ready to Catalyze a Love Your Neighbor Movement?

Steve Lutz
3 min readMar 26, 2021

As many of you know, I’ve devoted a lot of my time over the past 18 months or so to Front Yard Mission. I’ve talked about it here and there. But I wanted to share a bit more about it, where we see it headed, and how you can get involved if you’re interested.

I’m partnering with my friend Jonathan Weibel (seen in the video above) to bring Front Yard Mission to other churches, neighborhoods, and cities wherever God is leading. FYM started at Calvary Church in State College where we both serve, but the goal was never to stay here. Our vision is to catalyze a love your neighbor movement in our city and in our world.

We are doing that by sharing ideas that inspire, stories to encourage, and by giving you practical tips and tools to love your neighbor. It’s all meant to be accessible and actionable. Front Yard Mission is an “all-play” activity in the church, not a spectator sport.

What do we mean by Front Yard Mission? We define it as “moving out in love towards the people God has put in your path.” Like the Good Samaritan, and like the people you are in closest proximity to every day.

Jesus took the 613 laws of the Old Testament and he boiled them down to just two: Love God and Love…

